Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Holidays-Despite the Confusion!!!

Our 1st real winter in ages hit us pretty hard last weekend. It is still pelting us with nasty weather and the worst of it is coming tomorrow:) Imagine lots of snow, not many snow plows and all these people hopped up on Starbucks!!!

Well I managed to escape it all last weekend and hit a nice 20 miler on trails that skirt the Puget Sound. Mountain views, snow covered trails and not a single soul in almost 3 hours. Pure winter bliss!!!

I brought along my camera to snap some pics and I came across this sign in the wilderness, which I found fitting for the current times. Pure Confusion!!!

A war that drags on, insane bailouts, a new peak of political corruption and an economy that seems to be sputtering like an old Ford pickup truck...but like the old Nike running poster quipped "the roads are always open". So we run. Some more then others. Some faster then others. All in different places, but I know we all love the escape, the aniticipation of that moment when your out the door leaving the real world behind...putting one foot in front of the other, leaving "Confusion" in our mighty wake.

So to all of you I wish you a Happy Holiday, less confusion in the world and some great runs over the coming weeks. Enjoy time spent with family and friends and hope for a much better 2009...for us, for those we don't know(but might pass on runs) and the rest of the world!!!

A very special Holiday Thanks goes out to Jeff and Justin for their service to this country and the honor and pride they bring to all of us.

1 comment:

DTP said...

Frosty but no snow here. 20 tonight with clear skys. 72 on Wednesday. Now that is confusion. I can't figure out what clothes to wear.
The trails are calling loudly, the mind is willing but the body is not. My goal of a marathon in 09 is a little suspect at this point but i am sure there are a lot of late season marathons so i have time.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.