Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day w/ JC

My days have suddenly gotten longer and more cramped as the Winter Quarter began two weeks ago. So far it has been fun, challenging and eye opening. I'm taking 3 online classes and they require lots of reading and lots of online discussion board participation-which burns a great deal of time, but makes up for missed class time(I guess).

5:00 Nicola's alarm clock radio goes off, she hits snooze many times, but once I am awake I am up, so begins my day(usually to 3rd Eye Blind of Ben Harper, every once in a while I slip in some Metallica which gets her up quick)

6:00 Nicola's out the door, I jump online, check email, check, check calendar and see what I have due for the day and start on the school work

7:00-9:00 Isabella usually gets up asks for Dora or Backyardigans and that signals for me to get going on her lunch, clothes and school stuff. We change pull ups, watch some cartons, eat a little, brush our teeth and hair, and then head to daycare(CandyLand-which ironically doesn't allow candy and has no strippers working there:)

9:00 to 12:00 Work(make calls or returns call for my non-profit), workout and or get in quick chat w/ Douglas(which makes my day)

12:00-1:00 Process mail, visit post office, drop money at the bank...nothing to exciting

1:00-4:30 More work, some running, check up on school work(discussion board, teacher notes)

4:30 Isabella comes home, we play, make dinner, read, build block structures, change pull ups and try to get in some toilet time(you all know what that is like)

6:00-9:00 Some nights I work, but we mainly chill as a family-watch ESPN, Rachel Ray or battle over which political talk to what(I like the conservative ones, she prefers the liberal, they all make me laugh). Isabella and Nicola usually hit the sack about this time which leaves me to a quiet house:)

9:00 to 10:30 Read school assignments, write papers, take tests...usually close my night with or something a little more tasty like check on Dean K.)

That's me in a nut shell, with exception to once a week I head north to do a track workout with my buddy Jay and few friends. Getting off the island and heading back to my old stomping grounds keep my mind fresh and breaks up the week.

1 comment:

t-train said...

Sorry so late with the comment, got real busy last week. really cool to see this J! you are a great dad! i love those little moments within the routine of the day where the kids are just kids and make me laugh! don't you?