Sunday, January 11, 2009

Famous Last Words

"They couldn't hit an elephant from this dist-." General John Sedgwick's last words, uttered during a US Civil War battle in 1864

I had similar last words or thoughts as I splish splashed thru the 4th lap of 6 at the Bridle Trails 50k on Saturday evening. Despite darkness, driving rains, howling winds and shin deep mud puddles I was optimistic about my condition and my ability to muster the last 2 laps. Very early on I had taken a good tumble as I twisted my ankle pretty badly coming off a muddy ridge. Though I didn't actually hit the ground, I must have looked pretty funny stumbling and trying to balance myself over the next 100 meters while hobbling on a gimpy ankle. Hell, I was laughing at myself. The pain subsided but I think(I know) I did a bunch of damage to an already sore groin and hip area. This was only lap 2!!!

After my tumble I decided to shorten my stride, watch my foot falls and make the most of it. I was being upbeat. Laps 3 was when the lights when out above and head lamps were in full effect. I learned a quick lesson on headlamps...when in the dark on undulating, muddy and wet surfaces head lamps don't really allow much help with foot's pretty much hit or miss. I was missing big time. More so just blazing thru the middle of big old mud puddles. Just like being a kid again!!!

The lungs never hurt, the nutrition/water in take was never much of a concern, even the weather was doable, but at some point between mile 21 and 22 the spirit left me, the left leg wouldn't lift and I was forced to a hobble(DNF).

Famous last words somewhere around Mile 21.5 "Oh this isn't too ba-"

Almost 24 hours after my DNF, I'm glad I took a stab at the 50k and I'm glad I pulled the plug when I did. The 50k is a beast and is a long exercise of managing within the moment(mile after mile). I'm sure I'll be back out there in no time.

Happy Running!


t-train said...

Once again, great description!!! you are a talented writer! I have heard that it is WAAAAY smarter to pull the plug in ultras rather than pride your way through to serious injury! good, mature call john. sounds like you learned a lot along the way anyhow.

Curious, what kind of menu did you use for refueling. i am wondering if you had a plan on intervals of time, distance, and what you specifically put in your body...


T-Train...I carry a little water/gartorade mix and GU's and just hit them before I start to feel thirsty or hungry. Once I start then I am hitting it every 15 to 20 minutes to be safe.