Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Typical Day

thought i would share with the fellowship a day in the life of T-Train, because yesterday included a little bit of everything.

5:00am wake-up, at the state park by 5:30 for a 20:00 snowshoe jaunt on groomed and not-so-groomed beautiful trails by the moonlight. Temp 9 degrees...still found a way to sweat!

School - taught 3 classes, 2 reading 1 writing. my caseload has blown up with issues with several kids ranging from missing work to behavioral issues. made several phone calls to parents, some good some bad. All this and had to leave early to pick up the kids for dentist appointments. Addison has no cavities, Aidan actually got into the chair!!!!

Brought them home, continued our education of Star Wars (we are on Return of the Jedi after watching the 1st five movies). Had to take a timeout to run a hill workout.

Hill workout involved 13:00 of hill repeats ranging from 30 seconds to 90 seconds on 4 different hills. i would tempo between the hills. HR was in upper 160s-171 on hills and 150s-160 on the tempos. during the middle of the workout, was thinking twice about getting up early, but got through it. workout lasted 33:00 total, with warm-up and cooldown 65:00 run. Temp 25 degrees with windchill in the teens.

Came home, had dinner with the kids and completed their Jedi Education by finishing Return of the Jedi. Was surprised to see that they digitally included Hayden Christiansen as Anakin at the thought that was cool!

7:00pm had to depart for practice at UNH. Kids did 6x1000 with a pick up in the middle 200. they had 3:00 rest. 1st real hard barn burning workout of the season....they did well. Returned home by 9:45. in bed by 10:00pm...

Cool day, tired, a bit sore today. Wouldn't have it any other way!!!!! Gotta go teach!!! Writing class is composing a position paper opposing uniforms in schools!



Man that is an action packed day. I enjiyed the post and look into the life of T-Train. The elementary school behind my house requires "psuedo" school uniforms, they must wear tan pants/skirt and a blue top(light blue or navy). My distant observation is the kids look cleaner, their seems to be more order and school yard play seems to be more of an even distribution(maybe that's just an age thing).

Enjoy your day!!!

t-train said...

interesting...we don't have uniforms but a dress code that is enforced at the beginnning of the year.

BTW - my intention of posting the typical day was in hopes of hearing about your's and the other members of the fellowship's typical days. going to bed...10:00pm, just got home from practice.