Saturday, April 11, 2009

Two Mile Fitness Check

Jumped in the Tulip Festival 2 Miler this morning to see where my 5k and under fitness was and I ran a decent 10:40. The first mile was a bit uphill, then it headed out onto some trails. I hit the mile in 5:15 and started feeling a little winded very soon after. I had a few guys nipping at my heels and I kept them at bay until about 1.5 miles when one guy went by. I though I could hang back and kick as we came into the final 400, but that didn't happen, as I closed in 5:25.

I hung onto 2nd place and was fairly pleased with the race overall. I haven't gone faster then 5:15 or 5:25 in any of my recent workouts, so I guess it not too bad to step out and race faster then I've been training.

Spring is in the air, it's time to get fast!!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Return to Tobacco Road

This blog is getting a little dusty, so I figured I'll give it a quick brush off.

Our trip to NC was great. It was wonderful to catch up with Doug and Company, Dan and Pam, and visit with my sister. Isabella was charmed by Luke and they got along like peas in a pod. Chase will be the man, he is a Little Doug that is for sure!!!

Brennan, Doug and I got a chance to throw down at the Cary Road Race and we represented well!!! In the 10k, Doug and I placed 7th and 4th, with times too slow to report. Brennan blazed the 5k course with a new record in 18:13, finishing 2 seconds up on the 2nd female who was trying to make it a race. Hopefully, I can make it back to NC for the Battleship 1/2 in November in a little better shape.

All in all NC was a fabulous time, but there is something about those backroads from Jacksonville to Raleigh!!! Many demons I'd say. They remind me of an old David Lee Roth tune...

I was born in a trunk
Mama died and my daddy got drunk
Left me here to die alone
In the middle of Tobacco Road.

Growin' up rusty shack
All I had was hangin' on my back
Only you know how I loathe
This place called Tobacco Road.

I hope everyone is well. Happy Easter Weekend.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finally got back on the track today:

5 x mile (jog 400)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby "Jogger" PR

Isabella and I got her birthday weekend started off on the right foot by setting a Baby "Jogger" PR with the "Blue Bomber"(aka BOB). Despite a tough headwind we blazed out hard with the lead group and tried to remain as competitive as possible for as long as possible. As I pushed hard through the opening miles, Isabella clutched firmly to her raffle tickets for the post race drawing and sported her new Princess helmet with style and grace(safety first).

With a little wind at our back, we rallied in the last mile to set ourselves up for a PR and the possibility of stealing 3rd place. The 3rd place thing didn't workout as we were outkicked by a few prideful souls in the last 400 meters, but we hung tough to finish in 17:48, beating last year's time by 18 seconds. All in all it was great fun, but Isabella is gettting heavier and I am getting older(and heavier as well), so I am not sure how many more "pushes" we have left.

Peace out!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Turning of the Screw

After several months of long runs, slow mile(and longer) repeats and tempos we jumped on the track for a "little" turnover. The menu was set at 6x1200, then 1x800 to round it to 5 miles. The goal was a steady heap of laps, while droping the pace a little each rep. The 800 would be icing on the cake and "just don't pull anything"!

Here is how she went:

4:12, 4:15, 4:12, 4;06, 4:04, 3:54(got excited)

2:26, going 77, 69(37/32)

All in all it was a good workout and I'm happy with the times. I felt young whippin' thru my last 200, we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Orcas Island 25K

Just did my first trail race - what a blast! I have had an almost 2 year hiatus from any competition and since moving out to the Pacific Northwest I had been wanting to break into the trail running scene. This one was a lot of fun - despite being sick and just having come back from a week of wine and cheese in Nice (It's called a French Taper - you should all try it). I'll post a few pics below. I hope everyone is well. Cheers, Jude

Here's the race profile - with about 6000 of elevation gain.

Below are a couple of views of Mt. Baker from the top of Mount Constitution (mile 7 on the run)

This is the aid station... and I mean THE aid station. The only one on the course. Also no plastic or paper cups. Everything is BYOB here in the tree-hugging Pacific Northwest.
Did I mention the snow? We had about a foot of snow on about a mile of the course near the top of Mt Constitution. Didn't have my snowshoes either. This is me about 15 minutes from the aid station.
Take care. See you all before too long. Jude

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adding An Apple

I've invited Jude to join us at the DITC Blog. I had to add a little more Northwest Flavor:)

Hope all is well with everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fragrance Lake Trail in 37:30!!!!

Imagine busting your hump for 4.4 miles and reading 37:30 on your watch!!!!

-My lungs burned
-My legs were wobbly
-My breathing sounded like a caged beast(scared a few hikers)
-I was on fire at 8:30 per mile climbing over 1000 feet in the first few miles

In successive weeks we have "jogged" this part of the trail in 46 and 48 minutes(which was tough), today was the day we put the pedal to the metal to see how racing this part of the trail would differ. My conclusion is it hurts whether you run it fast or slow, it's just a big climb, so it's better to just get it over with(as fast as possible).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week of 1/26

Week of 1/26/09
Monday – AM Exercises PM Core Synergistics
Tues – AM Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper PM Tempo Workout 5x5:00 w/1:00 rest. Total time 60:00
Wed – AM Exercises PM 50:00 on snowmobile trails!!!! Awesome!
TR – AM Foam rollers on calves/IT Bands PM 40:00 easy
FRI – AM Exercises PM Shoulders and arms/Ab Ripper
SAT – 5.6 K Snowshoe Race at Cobble Mountain in Gilford, NH. Placed 2nd, much closer to Jim Johnson who crushed me last week. Left Calf cramped on the descent, had to stop and stretch…cost me about 1:00. 1K splits – 3:21, 5:48, 6:21, 10:28 (climb) 5:28…finish. Awesome race, awesome time! Felt much better than last week.
SUN – Long 1 hr 50 minutes – nice and easy. Experimented with Hammer gel the last 40:00 and felt good. Sore from yesterday in calves and quads.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Addison chasing down a ...7 year old boy!?@#$

Aidan rolling!!!!

dad placing 2nd

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pigtails 19.2 Mile Trail Race

The race director had this to say in her recap of Saturday's race...

"The 19.2 mile race saw a new overall course record by John Collins from Oak Harbor with a time of 2:13, wiping out Kyle Skagg’s time of 2:18 in 2006."

To even be mentioned in the same sentence with Kyle Skaggs is way too cool!!!

This was one tough race-me versus lots of hills, some cold weather and some shoe issues(laces and rocks in my socks). It was a 2 loop race and I spent most of the 1st loop chasing a guy who was only racing the 1 loop race, I didn't figure that out until about 5 miles in, but oh well I was already rockin' so I just kept rolling. My first loop was 1:04 and some change, despite stopping 3 times for shoe issues, I still hit a 1:08 for the 2nd loop with a little fatigue setting in just beyond 18 miles. GU and gatorade were my friends, hitting them up almost every 30 minutes on the dot!!!

When I came through loop 1 on record pace, I was stoked and motivated to push on and try to set a new standard...coming into the race my goal, which I set conservatively due to my 50k blow up and not knowing the course, was 2:30 to 2:40.

Peace Out!!!!

Week of 1/19

Week was highlighted by my 1st snowshoe race. here is a link to some pics:

Week of 1/19
Monday – AM 25:00 snowshoe PM Exercises

Tuesday – AM Yoga X PM 30:00 tempo with boys team…HR 160s on Bow Lake Road. Rolling hills. Felt real good with exception of funky calves. Total time running was 1:05 minutes.

Wed- AM Exercises PM 1:20 with girls team…real slow on snowmobile trails .

TR – Hills – 11:00 worth…pretty tired going in. felt better as the workout went on until the last one…whole body tightened up. Kept HR 168-171 by the end of each hill…same as last week. 65:00 total. Conclusion: tired from boys weekend, not getting good sleep this week.

FRI – AM Exercises PM Yoga X (2nd 45:00) Therapy with foam roller, tennis and golf ball

SAT – Snowshoe Race at Feel Good Farm. 1st ever…interesting experience. 2 x4k loop with 6 minute climb in middle of loop. 1st loop 18:00, second loop 17:50. Fell 3x’s but fun!!! Need to get better running downhill! Should have been 2nd. Need to be more aggressive. 70:00 total running.

SUN – AM 1:32 long run around Bow Lake. Calves sore, quads feeling yesterday. Sub zero temps.
PM Yoga X (60 minutes)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Make them S.M.A.R.T.

The difference between "I want to know more about computers" and "I need to master security protocols in PHP programming" is pretty vast. You've probably got much more intriging goals than either of those, but the same key criteria should apply to making your goal a realistic one. Use the way-older-than-this-blog S.M.A.R.T. guidelines to shape them: Specific ("Run 2 miles, three times a week"); Measurable ("Improve my mile times by 25%"); Achievable (Avoid pie-in-the-sky goals that you can't expect to achieve.); Realistic (Give yourself the time necessary to achieve the goal. Don't expect overnight success.) Timely (Have a real deadline with progress check-ups; get your first 5K under your belt by Sept. 1, instead of "Run a long race this year"). A more thorough schooling on S.M.A.R.T. is offered by Robert Bogue at TechRepublic.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Data and Numbers

I just finished reading _The Numerati_, but Stephen Baker. I would recommend it. What I found most interesting was the "type" of data that people are looking at. Check it out if you get a chance.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day w/ JC

My days have suddenly gotten longer and more cramped as the Winter Quarter began two weeks ago. So far it has been fun, challenging and eye opening. I'm taking 3 online classes and they require lots of reading and lots of online discussion board participation-which burns a great deal of time, but makes up for missed class time(I guess).

5:00 Nicola's alarm clock radio goes off, she hits snooze many times, but once I am awake I am up, so begins my day(usually to 3rd Eye Blind of Ben Harper, every once in a while I slip in some Metallica which gets her up quick)

6:00 Nicola's out the door, I jump online, check email, check, check calendar and see what I have due for the day and start on the school work

7:00-9:00 Isabella usually gets up asks for Dora or Backyardigans and that signals for me to get going on her lunch, clothes and school stuff. We change pull ups, watch some cartons, eat a little, brush our teeth and hair, and then head to daycare(CandyLand-which ironically doesn't allow candy and has no strippers working there:)

9:00 to 12:00 Work(make calls or returns call for my non-profit), workout and or get in quick chat w/ Douglas(which makes my day)

12:00-1:00 Process mail, visit post office, drop money at the bank...nothing to exciting

1:00-4:30 More work, some running, check up on school work(discussion board, teacher notes)

4:30 Isabella comes home, we play, make dinner, read, build block structures, change pull ups and try to get in some toilet time(you all know what that is like)

6:00-9:00 Some nights I work, but we mainly chill as a family-watch ESPN, Rachel Ray or battle over which political talk to what(I like the conservative ones, she prefers the liberal, they all make me laugh). Isabella and Nicola usually hit the sack about this time which leaves me to a quiet house:)

9:00 to 10:30 Read school assignments, write papers, take tests...usually close my night with or something a little more tasty like check on Dean K.)

That's me in a nut shell, with exception to once a week I head north to do a track workout with my buddy Jay and few friends. Getting off the island and heading back to my old stomping grounds keep my mind fresh and breaks up the week.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weekly Logs

Inspired by John's accounting of 2008, i am aiming to keep a log for2009. Hoping we can begin to share these again, even though i may be the most consistent culprit of not submitting!

Week of 1/12
Monday – Exercises + Core Training

Tuesday – Hill Workout with 13:00 of hills and tempo in between. Began at Brown’s Pasture, hardtop and finished at Tasker Hill. Hills ranged :30-:90 seconds. Kept HR at 170 -171. Total time running 65:00

Wed – Exercises + 1:20 with girls team through the park on groomed snowmobile trails and back on Harmony.

Thurs – Tempo Run to and up Joalco Road and back. HR at 160. 30:00 tempo. 65:00 total run.

Fri – Exercises + Core Synergistics

Sat – Long run with Clark and Brake. 1:50 in Concord/Bow on mixture of groomed snowmobile trails and roads. Felt great.

Sun – Exercises

**Guys’ weekend involved football and a midnight snowshoe up a mountain with a cool descent on powder…sweet. Then Sunday skiing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chuckanut Training Day

Strapped with water, GU's and a somewhat silent reserve for the hills that lay head my training partner(Jay) and I set off to sample parts of the Chuckanut 50k Course.

I am not going to say much about the run itself as I am including an elevation chart in this post and it will speak for itself. But what I will say is 1.) Sometimes it is faster to walk-if pride allows 2.) Somewhere around mile 11 it dawned on me that it was faster to run "zig-zag" up a steep incline that is wide enough rather then pound yourself into the side of a hill, so I did and it was:)

We covered about 20 miles in 3 hours and their is much work to be done. I thank the running gods that race day is 10 weeks away, so I have time to prepare!!!

One of the inclines beyond 20 miles is called "Chin Scrapper"...I wonder why?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Typical Day

thought i would share with the fellowship a day in the life of T-Train, because yesterday included a little bit of everything.

5:00am wake-up, at the state park by 5:30 for a 20:00 snowshoe jaunt on groomed and not-so-groomed beautiful trails by the moonlight. Temp 9 degrees...still found a way to sweat!

School - taught 3 classes, 2 reading 1 writing. my caseload has blown up with issues with several kids ranging from missing work to behavioral issues. made several phone calls to parents, some good some bad. All this and had to leave early to pick up the kids for dentist appointments. Addison has no cavities, Aidan actually got into the chair!!!!

Brought them home, continued our education of Star Wars (we are on Return of the Jedi after watching the 1st five movies). Had to take a timeout to run a hill workout.

Hill workout involved 13:00 of hill repeats ranging from 30 seconds to 90 seconds on 4 different hills. i would tempo between the hills. HR was in upper 160s-171 on hills and 150s-160 on the tempos. during the middle of the workout, was thinking twice about getting up early, but got through it. workout lasted 33:00 total, with warm-up and cooldown 65:00 run. Temp 25 degrees with windchill in the teens.

Came home, had dinner with the kids and completed their Jedi Education by finishing Return of the Jedi. Was surprised to see that they digitally included Hayden Christiansen as Anakin at the thought that was cool!

7:00pm had to depart for practice at UNH. Kids did 6x1000 with a pick up in the middle 200. they had 3:00 rest. 1st real hard barn burning workout of the season....they did well. Returned home by 9:45. in bed by 10:00pm...

Cool day, tired, a bit sore today. Wouldn't have it any other way!!!!! Gotta go teach!!! Writing class is composing a position paper opposing uniforms in schools!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Alternative Events

Inspired by Johnny's attempt at the 50k, i am going to enter a snowshoe event. i think i will be able to fit one in my schedule next saturday. very excited about this since with all the snow up here it is a great cross training activity of sorts. Haven't been training per say for it, but have been adding little 20:00 jaunts through my woods in the back of my house. did it on fresh 9 inches of powder yesterday, that was a workout!!!! never thought you could sweat that much in 15 degree weather. the distance for next saturday is 10k...i reckon it will be close to an hour of running. Very good resistance training.

BTW - been doing a lot of strength training. Core workouts, shoulders and arms, yoga, legs and back and plyos. body seems to be responding.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Famous Last Words

"They couldn't hit an elephant from this dist-." General John Sedgwick's last words, uttered during a US Civil War battle in 1864

I had similar last words or thoughts as I splish splashed thru the 4th lap of 6 at the Bridle Trails 50k on Saturday evening. Despite darkness, driving rains, howling winds and shin deep mud puddles I was optimistic about my condition and my ability to muster the last 2 laps. Very early on I had taken a good tumble as I twisted my ankle pretty badly coming off a muddy ridge. Though I didn't actually hit the ground, I must have looked pretty funny stumbling and trying to balance myself over the next 100 meters while hobbling on a gimpy ankle. Hell, I was laughing at myself. The pain subsided but I think(I know) I did a bunch of damage to an already sore groin and hip area. This was only lap 2!!!

After my tumble I decided to shorten my stride, watch my foot falls and make the most of it. I was being upbeat. Laps 3 was when the lights when out above and head lamps were in full effect. I learned a quick lesson on headlamps...when in the dark on undulating, muddy and wet surfaces head lamps don't really allow much help with foot's pretty much hit or miss. I was missing big time. More so just blazing thru the middle of big old mud puddles. Just like being a kid again!!!

The lungs never hurt, the nutrition/water in take was never much of a concern, even the weather was doable, but at some point between mile 21 and 22 the spirit left me, the left leg wouldn't lift and I was forced to a hobble(DNF).

Famous last words somewhere around Mile 21.5 "Oh this isn't too ba-"

Almost 24 hours after my DNF, I'm glad I took a stab at the 50k and I'm glad I pulled the plug when I did. The 50k is a beast and is a long exercise of managing within the moment(mile after mile). I'm sure I'll be back out there in no time.

Happy Running!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2008 By The Numbers

2757 Miles Logged(approx 13 days spent running)
190 lbs Max weight
169 lbs Low weight
102 degrees hottest weather I ran in
88 miles highest week(3 x's)
53 miles per week
22 miles(longest race)
800 meters(shortest race)
4:36 Fastest Mile
20 miles lowest week
19 degrees coldest weather I ran in
15 pairs of shoes (different stages of wear)
12 Races
7 Runs on the Beach in Maui
2 Runs on the Strip In Vegas
2 Races w/ Isabella
1 PR

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm in!

yo, i officially beat Dan in the race to da' blog!!! excited to be here! cool pics y'all. i recently 'jumped' in a 3k on the track off of a few hill workouts and light tempos...ran 9:21 off of a 4:58 mile split...felt the same as running 8:30's a few years ago. couldn't beleive how slow though. time to get back to work!

Solo 5K

I have been meaning to post this. I ran a distance 4th place in the Jingle Bell 5k. Which reminds me to stay with the front group!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

7 Days Till Go Time

As 2008 disappears in the rearview and 2009 looms large and full of potential I can only count 7 days until the 2009 Bridle Trails Winter Running Festival 50k. Usually around this time I am chomping at the bit waiting for the Indoor Track Season to start, waiting for that gun to sound and the first 200 meters to fly by. Not this year!!!!

Being a 50k newbie I really don't know what to expect. I've talked to many ultra folks, did some reading and gotten some solid advice, but the biggest sense I've gotten is that you never know what could go wrong until it does(blisters, weather, turned ankle, etc) don't fret about it. My biggest concern is that more then half of the race will be in the dark. I've done some headlamp running and it seems pretty straight forward, but I guess I'll find out on Saturday night.

Goals??? I guess I'm going to go with the old "Hey my first goal is to finish" goal, but I want to be somewhat competitive with the other runners, the distance and the terrain/conditions. With this race being sponsored by the Seattle Running Company, any number of national level ultra stars could show up and use this as an early season training run. Greg Growther who has multiple ultra wins and a US 100k title to his name has blazed some incredible times at this race and owns the course record with a 3;19:40 in 2007 should be the favorite. Anything around 4 hours would be great in my book, so I'll set my pace just below 8 minutes and try to hold on as long as possible. Onward...

With 7 days to go I can only wait and let the excitement build. I'll be sure to pack extra shoes, extra socks, lots of snacks(maybe some pizza) , a coke or two to get me through the tough times and of course my ipod. You better bet that somewhere in my playlist will be "Saturday Nights All Right For Fightin"

Rock On and Happy New Year!!!